
Latest news and articles about Swift Accounting, Point of Sale, and more.

Account Receivable: The Basics and Its Functions

Managing finances well is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business and managing accounts receivable is one of them.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a natural language processing driven by AI (or Artificial Intelligence) that is designed to converse with human like a chatbot.

What is a Quotation?

A quotation, also known as a quote or sales quotation, is a formal document that outlines the cost and specifications for goos or services that a business intends to provide to a customer.

Financial Management: Meaning and Why It Is Crucial to Businesses

Financial management is the process of managing an organization's financial resources so that they are used effectively and efficiently to achieve the organization's goals.

When do you put parentheses around a number?

In accounting or finance, parentheses are commonly used to indicate negative numbers or values.

What is a General Ledger Account?

A general ledger account is a record in a company's financial accounting system

Easily manage accounting and inventories

Swift Accounting simplifies recording of transaction fast and seamless

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Swift Accounting